第三回国際ヨガの日「国際ヨガの日 クイズ&エッセイコンテスト」 2017国際ヨガの日イベント① Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント② Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント③ Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント④ Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017
平本 謙一郎 神奈川県出身 國學院大學経済学部経済学科卒 / 國學院大學大学院文学研究科文学専攻高度国語・日本語教育コース博士前期課程修了
Kenichiro Hiramoto
From Kanagawa Pref, JP, Bachelor of Economics, Kokugakuin Univ., Japanese Applied Linguistics, M.A., Graduate School of Kokugakuin Univ.
Collaborative Researcher of Kokugakuin Univ. Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development, Former Japanese Instructor of EOI, Tokyo. Working for Iwate Prefectural Government, Bureau of Reconstruction as an Official Guide Staff for Iwate TSUNAMI Memorial Museum in Iwate. Belonging The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum and Japan-India Institute, SFC Keio Univ. Grad School PhD course at present. Tokyo Fire Department Advanced lifesaving skill certificate
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