第三回国際ヨガの日「国際ヨガの日 クイズ&エッセイコンテスト」 2017国際ヨガの日イベント① Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント② Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント③ Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017国際ヨガの日イベント④ Mass Yoga Demonstration on the occasion of International Yoga Day at Ramabai Ambedkar Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 2017